Singly Linked list

Now we implement a singly linked list with C++.

Linked list is a Data structure that contains a variable and a pointer pointing to the next node.

Storage of data

First of all, a data structure is needed to store the variable and the pointer. It can be coded:

struct Node {
int val;
Node* next;
: val(0)
, next(nullptr)
Node(int x)
: val(x)
, next(nullptr)
Node(int x, Node* next)
: val(x)
, next(next)

Three constructors are packaged in the struct Node, which can help us create a head of a linked list conveniently.

Node *head = new Node();
Node *head = new Node(0);
Node *head = new Node(0, nullptr);

There are three ways to create a pointer head. Using first way, you can create a pointer head pointing to a node that has a variable val = 0 and a nullptr (a pointer pointing nothing). And the second way, you create a same head but you must assign a value to val of the node pointed to by head. The last, you even can link a node to the head requiring you give a pointer pointing to the next node.

Then, how to handle the linked list?

Linked list class

class ListNode {
struct Node {
int val;
Node* next;
: val(0)
, next(nullptr)
Node(int x)
: val(x)
, next(nullptr)
Node(int x, Node* next)
: val(x)
, next(next)
this->head = nullptr;
Node* head;
void assign(int val);
int at(int pos);
void set(int pos, int val);
void del(int pos);
int find(int val);
void print();
void ListNode::assign(int val)
Node* p = new Node(val);
Node* last = this->head;
if (last) {
while (last->next) {
last = last->next;
last->next = p;
} else {
head = p;
int ListNode::at(int pos)
int index = 0;
Node* p = this->head;
while (index != pos) {
p = p->next;
return p->val;
void ListNode::set(int pos, int val)
int index = 0;
Node* p = this->head;
while (index != pos) {
p = p->next;
p->val = val;
void ListNode::del(int pos)
Node* p = this->head;
if (pos == 0) {
head = head->next;
delete p;
} else {
int index = 0;
Node* p = this->head;
Node* q;
for (q = nullptr; p; q = p, p = p->next) {
if (index == pos - 1) {
q->next = p->next;
delete p;
int ListNode::find(int val)
Node* p;
int index = 0;
for (p = this->head; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->val == val) {
return index;
return -1;
void ListNode::print()
Node* p;
cout << "[";
for (p = this->head; p; p = p->next) {
cout << p->val;
if (p->next) {
cout << ", ";
cout << "]" << endl;

int main()
ListNode* node = new ListNode;
cout << node->find(2) << endl;
cout << node->at(2) << endl;
node->set(2, 9);
return 0;

Merge Two LinkedList

Node *mergeList(ListNode *l1, ListNode *l2) {
Node *p, *q, *temp, *newList;
if (l1->head->val >
l2->head->val) { // make ptr "p" is the head of small list
newList = l2->head;
p = l2->head;
q = l1->head;
} else {
newList = l1->head;
p = l1->head;
q = l2->head;
while (p != nullptr && q != nullptr) {
if (q->val >= p->val) {
temp = q->next;
q->next = p->next;
p->next = q;
q = temp;
p = p->next->next;
} else {
temp = p->next;
p->next = q->next;
q->next = p;
p = temp;
q = q->next->next;
if (q != nullptr) {
p->next = q;
return newList;